manage to survive

美 [ˈmænɪdʒ tu sərˈvaɪv]英 [ˈmænɪdʒ tu səˈvaɪv]
  • 勉强保命
manage to survivemanage to survive
  1. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease .


  2. The creatures on the ocean floor manage to survive without sunlight and get energy from other sources .


  3. Some children who get lost in the wild manage to survive , while others are not so lucky .


  4. It looked like she would soon give birth and I wondered how her puppies would manage to survive .


  5. How did Huizhou manage to survive and contribute to the war in the special time-space situation ?


  6. But couples who manage to survive the seven-year itch would be wise not to get complacent .


  7. According to the Chengdu base , only a third to a half of pandas born in Chinese captivity manage to survive past infancy .


  8. But it 's possible-if unlikely-that humans could manage to survive . If we did , we 'd have this to look forward to :


  9. Their baby , who was born three months prematurely , represents a rare success story as only ten per cent of such preemies manage to survive .


  10. How to manage to survive and develop in the more and more drastic competition by adapting to changing market situation and enhancing the market competitiveness of their human resources in the economic globalization wave , is a major problem to solve for the sustainable development of individually-run enterprises .


  11. But , if you manage to survive all that , you 'll be treated to a pleasant surprise because the underside of an iceberg can be beautiful.Without a layer of snow covering it , an iceberg 's underside can appear vibrantly painfully blue .


  12. But the contemporary Silk Road will also need political stability or an ability to manage political change to survive .


  13. As a result , we can clearly see under the heavy burden and in this desperate situation , how people manage to bear and survive .
